Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Role and Influence..

Having made a significant influence on the editing process i have decided to create a blog in the role i have played so far.

My primary role in our group has been director of editing at this stage in the project. As our group did the rough editing, sequencing our material and letting their skills develop as editors, i watched and assissted them where needed, though little guidance was needed after the basic skills were established, just help with sequencing the material was needed.

Now that basic editing has finished i have stepped in to help refine and dvelop our product into a professional looking piece, with the guidance recieved from Amar and utilising his thoughts and suggestions to help our product gain full marks. This has included colour corrections, changing the saturations of shots and adjusting brightness and contrast to create a stylised piece that will define our product. There is still titles and sound to finish, however as of today (9/03/11) the sound should be finished and will be ready to add to our product tomorrow.

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